Governor Jonathan Bii Chelilim has fulfilled the long-awaited land tenure security for Maili Nne, Hill School and Kuinet Settlements.
Noting that these were prime lands within the Municipality boundaries, Governor Bii reiterated that Developments in the parcels of land should be of high value to earn the owners high returns on investment.

He also assured of his commitment to ensuring that all parcels of land within the county get access to title deeds to enable the owners to undertake development projects.
” It’s a requirement that for one to develop their land, they must have documentation as proof of ownership of the property. Now that we have managed to get these titles, I ask each one of you to get development plans and carry forth projects that will earn you a good livelihood”, said H. E Bii.
County Executive Committee Member for the Department of Lands, Physical Planning, Housing and Urban Development Mr Anthony Sitienei assured the residents that his department’s focus will also look into areas like Kesses and Moiben that have not received their titles as well to get them.
“The assurance that one owns the land, gives a leeway for development and hence we as a department, are working to resolve disputes and issues that have denied wananchi titles for years within our county,” said Mr Sitienei
Hon. Rebecca Chepchirchir Magut MCA Kuinet ward, lauded H. E the Governor for successfully delivering titles that wananchi had awaited for many years with many stating that they had waited for over 30 years.
Hon. Amos Kiptanui and Hon Isaac Kibet appreciated the over 500 titles handed over to wananchi in their respective wards.
Chief Officer for Housing and Urban Development Mr Julius Koech, Directors, Mr. Daniel Koech-PhysicalPlanning, Mr. Jacktone Kiprop- Urban Development, Ms. Beatrice Menjo- Housing and Ms. Nelly Jerotich-Lands, were also present.