The Department of Health Services is headed by the County Executive Committee Member Dr. Abraham Serem with two Chief Officers Mrs Joyce Sang in charge of Clinical Services and Dr. Paul Wangwe Ongeti Promotive and Preventive Health.
It is made up of three sections that include; Planning and Administration, Preventive and Promotive Health and Clinical Services.
This department has three Directors and their Deputies including:
The department is mandated to provide quality healthcare to the residents through quality, efficient and effective healthcare services that are affordable and accessible.
Improvement of nutrition indicators from 50% to 80%. Administration of immunization which have improved due to sensitization of mothers. Establishment of preventive, promotive and clinical services through Nguzo Kumi which has initiated; a) Revival of Revolving Fund Pharmacy b) Enhance health products and diagnostics c) Nutrition through school milking program. d) Establishment of call centre which is 0754646464
Free vision screening done once per week Mental health and rehabilitation for alcoholics through partnership Construction of Turbo Sub County Hospital in Tiret
Identification and upgrading of 30 Ward hospitals Enhancement of laboratory and diagnostics centre through the introduction of drones Establishment of day care for school going children through partnership with Kidogo Africa which connects the county department with school going children.
What is Cancer? Cancer is a disease in which the body cells become abnormal, grow uncontrollably and may spread to other organs affecting their function