Public Service Management is one of the ten departments in the County and it is mandated to;
- Identify reform opportunities for the County Government Human Resource and to advise the County Government on policy innovations and strategy in those areas of reform.
- Lead the strategic development and management of the Human Resource in conjunction with the County Public Service Board in relation to:
- Planning, identifying risks and strategies to minimize such risks
- Performance management and recognition
- Equity and diversity, including strategies to ensure the HRM Department reflects the diversity of the wider community
- General conduct and compliance with ethical practices
- Training and Development
- Succession planning
- Redeployment, including excess employees
- Staff mobility
- Executive staffing arrangements.
- Advise the County Government on appropriate strategies, policies and practices for leadership structure in the Department.
- Advise the County Government on appropriate strategies, policies and practices in relation to such other Departments from time to time, and to monitor, co-ordinate and assist in the implementation of the same.
- Develop and advise the County Government on service delivery strategies and models for the Department through collaboration with other Stakeholders and the wider community.
- Coordinate communication at the County
- Coordinate planning of County events
- Ensure proper record management by registry
- The County Attorney’s Office offers legal advice to all departments within the county government. This particular section is mandated to handle matters that require legal analysis, legal representation, advisory legal opinions and the following functions:-
- Compliance with The Constitution on policies
- Legislation on County Policies
- Litigation
- Offering Legal Opinions
- Enhancing Revenue Allocation
- Implementing measures to promote national cohesion and national values
- Formulation of Relevant Policies and Legislation
- Collaboration with other Agencies
- Drafting of Mou’s and Agreements
Achievements for the department during the periods under review include but not limited to:
•Establishment of Legal library and purchase of education and legal reference materials and ICT equipment for Legal Library;
•Branding Policy approved by Cabinet;
•Review of County Human Resource Policy and Procedure Manual and Records Management Policy;
•County Records and Document Management Information System Developed;
• Establishment of Archives and Counselling Centre;
• Induction of newly recruited county staff.
To provide leadership in public service through public policy formulation, implementation, coordination, supervision and prudent resource management.
A leading sector in effective and efficient service delivery for all in Uasin Gishu County.