
Lands, Physical Planning, Housing and Urban Development

The Department of Lands, Physical Planning, Housing, and Urban Development was established following the creation of the Uasin Gishu County Government. This department assumes a pivotal role in overseeing and advancing various critical mandates aimed at fostering sustainable development and efficient land use within the region. The broad mandates entrusted to this department encompass

Land administration and management (public land in the former local Authorities);
Land Survey and mapping;
Development, Management and administration of county houses;
Spatial Planning and Development Control; and
Management of urban areas.
The departments which were devolved as per the 4th schedule of the constitution were Physical Planning, Survey, Housing and Land Administration of the defunct Eldoret Municipal Council and Wareng and Burnt Forest Townships. These departments carry out concurrent functions meaning that we share staff with the national government.

The department is headed by the County Executive Committee member as the policy maker and the Chief Officers who are the accounting and authorized officer. The department has also section heads and other staff members totaling to fifty one (51) County staff in addition to twenty one (21) National Government staff.


The departmental goal in line with vision 2030 and Uasin Gishu County CIDP is to improve livelihoods of Uasin Gishu County residents through sustainable management of land resource through efficient land management and spatial planning, provision of affordable and decent housing in a clean and sustainable and well planned environment.


Our Sections:

Our sections includes:

  • Lands Sections

  • Survey

  • Housing