

The County Government of Uasin Gishu supports sports as a tool of socio-political integration while at the same time promoting health.

Speaking on Tuesday as she received a team of cyclists pedalling across East Africa, County Executive for Sports, Eng Lucy Ng’endo said the County understands that sports promotes, among others, understanding and cohesion.

“When people come together to cheer teams during a tournament, there is a sense of shared pride which in turn promotes togetherness,” said Eng Ng’endo, pointing out that the County is already nurturing all sports disciplines.

“Sports can even be harnessed to promote bigger courses like climate action. This is a noble course,” she adds. She was flanked by Governor’s Delivery Unit’s, Stephen Kung’u.

The Great African Cycling Safari is a team of 18 cyclists criss-crossing the EAC promoting regional integration, and climate action through tree planting, under One People, One Team One Dream.

The team began cycling from Burundi in August, through Tanzania and now in Kenya, a distance of 3200kms already covered. They planted over 100 trees on Tuesday morning in Timboroa Forest.