In a bid to promote and enhance family planning and empower healthcare providers in making informed decisions about reproductive health, the Department of Health Services on Wednesday trained family planning providers on family planning module one whereby they focused on providing knowledge and skills related to long-term and reversible family planning methods.

Speaking during the workshop, Chief Officer for Promotive and Preventive Health, Dr. Joyce Sang noted that the training aimed at equiping the providers with comprehensive information on various family planning methods such as intrauterine devices (IUDs), contraceptive implants and injectables among others.
Dr. Sang highlighted the importance of family planning as a means of controlling population growth and ensuring the health and well-being of families. She emphasized the significance of long-term and reversible methods which offer individuals the flexibility to plan their families according to their preferences and life circumstances.
During the training, participants actively engaged in discussions, raising questions regarding the safety, effectiveness, and availability of different family planning methods. Dr. Sang addressed their concerns and provided evidence-based information to dispel any misconceptions or myths surrounding these methods.
“The departments’ efforts in conducting such training sessions reflect its commitment to promoting reproductive health and empowering individuals with family planning choices.
… By providing individuals with accurate information and increasing awareness about different family planning methods, we aim to improve the overall well-being and quality of life for families in the region,” says Dr Sang.
The knowledge and skills gained from the training will have a positive impact on the community enabling individuals to make informed choices that align with their personal goals and circumstances.
The providers expressed their appreciation for the training session stating that it provided them with a better understanding of the available family planning methods and therefore acknowledging the importance of being well-informed and equipped with the knowledge to make informed decisions about reproductive health