The Children’s Place, a renowned children’s apparel retailer based in Secaucus, New Jersey, is the latest investor to show interest in investing in Uasin Gishu’s upcoming Industrial Park.
A delegation from the company, led by Gregory Poole, the special advisor from The Children’s Place, on Monday visited Uasin to explore potential investment opportunities.
The delegation was received by Directors Kipleting Mengich (Trade) and Koech (Planning) at the Rivatex Company.
Rivatex is a leading textile manufacturer in the County known for its quality products and contribution to the local economy.

During the meeting, Gregory Poole expressed their admiration for the industrial park and its growth potential. He highlighted their commitment to sustainable and ethical manufacturing practices and interest in partnering with local manufacturers to support the community and drive economic development.
Directors Mengich and Daniel Koech (Physical Planning) noted the prospect of collaboration with The Children’s Place highlighting the availability of skilled labor and the conducive business environment in Uasin Gishu emphasizing the local government’s commitment to supporting foreign investments, and their efforts to develop the industrial park into a regional hub for manufacturing.
The visit concluded with a tour of Rivatex Company’s manufacturing facilities, allowing the delegation to witness firsthand the capabilities of local manufacturers. The delegation was impressed by the state-of-the-art machinery, skilled workforce, and dedication to quality exhibited by Rivatex.
The Children’s Place delegation expressed positive impressions and indicated their intention to further explore investment opportunities in the region. The collaboration between The Children’s Place and local manufacturers in Uasin has the potential to bring economic growth, job creation, and increased manufacturing capacity to the region.
As Uasin continues to attract foreign investors, its industrial park is poised to become a thriving hub for manufacturing, contributing to the region’s economic development and improving the livelihoods of its residents.