Uasin Gishu is set to be the first County in Kenya to pioneer a groundbreaking pilot program aimed at transitioning women from fossil fuel to clean energy sources, an initiative which aims to empower women with modern cooking technologies.
Speaking during the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between the County Government, Mama Doing Good and the University of Liverpool, Governor Dr. Jonathan Bii highlighted the significance of the partnership in promoting sustainable energy practices and improving the health and well-being of women in the County.
“Our collaboration aims to equip women with modern cooking technologies that will replace traditional methods such as charcoal and firewood by combating the health risks associated with indoor air pollution and inefficient cooking practices,” said Dr. Bii.
Dr Bii emphasized the County Government’s commitment to embracing clean energy solutions and educating the 2,130 women groups in Uasin Gishu on the benefits of modern cooking technologies by advocating for the adoption of greener practices and planting trees to mitigate climate change for improved health outcomes.
Health Services County Executive Committee Member praised the partnership for its potential to transform healthcare delivery in the County noting that with cardiovascular diseases claiming the lives of 23,000 people annually, the transition to clean energy not only contributes to environmental sustainability but also has a direct impact on public health by reducing the incidence of respiratory illnesses and related health conditions.
According to Boniface Kiome (Senior Director of Programs, Projects and Resource mobilization) and Julius Rotich ( Director of Environment and Climate Action), the pilot program serves as a model for sustainable development and collective action in combating climate change and promoting public health in the region, therefore improving various ways of cooking.
Present were Daniel Pope (Prof of Global Public Health, University of Liverpool), James Mwitari (Director of Clean Air Africa), County Attorney Stephen Lel, County Solicitor Boaz Bulbul, Chief of Staff Nicholas Chepkwony, Chief Officer Dr Joyce Sang (Clinical Services), Dr Paul Wangwe (Promotive and Preventive Health) and Nahum Tirop (Sports).