CECM Agriculture Mr. Edward Sawe on Wednesday graced a two-day Sensitization workshop organized by the Insurance Regulatory Authority (IRA) on livestock and crop insurance.
The workshop aimed to educate farmers on the importance of insurance coverage for their agricultural activities.
During his speech, Mr. Sawe emphasized the need for the IRA to embrace integrity in its operations.
“Integrity is a crucial aspect of any organization, especially one that deals with insurance,” said Sawe.
Mr. Sawe highlighted that a lack of integrity leads to lack of trust among farmers. Without trust, it becomes challenging for farmers to see the need to join cooperative societies and engage in insurance schemes.
According to the CECM, IRA needs to uphold high ethical standards and ensure that its operations are transparent and fair.
Furthermore, Mr. Sawe urged the IRA to take care of farmers’ exploitation by insurance companies.
Farmers often face challenges when it comes to insurance claims and compensation. They are sometimes subjected to lengthy and complicated procedures, leading to delays in receiving compensation.
Sawe urged the IRA to create insurance offerings tailored to meet the requirements of farmers.
These offers should be designed to provide benefits to farmers, even in situations where their crops or animals remain unaffected.
He emphasized the need for the IRA to embrace integrity and ensure that its operations are transparent and fair.
Chief Officers Livestock Mr. Nixon Cheplong in a sentiment echoed by his Counterpart for Agriculture Mr. Elphas Kesio said exploitation undermines the purpose of insurance, which is to provide financial support to farmers in times of need.
Cheplong said that farmers have unique risks and challenges, and insurance products must be tailored to address these specific concerns.
The workshop organized by the IRA was a significant step in sensitizing farmers about the importance of livestock and crop insurance.