

Farmers have been urged to embrace modern farming practices through mechanization and also venture into high-value crops which will in turn enhance their income.

County Executive Committee member (CECM ) for Agriculture, Agribusiness Livestock and Fisheries Edward Sawe who spoke during a stakeholder farmers field day in Kipsomba Sub-location, Soy Sub-county, challenged the farmers to also take advantage of the subsidy incentives extended to them by Governor Jonathan Chelilim Bii Nguzo Kumi administration.

Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO) and OCP Kenya, a fertilizer company, took the farmers through a series of training on soil conservation, soil testing and farm management practices.

Earlier on, the CECM Sawe joined Governor Dr. Jonathan Bii in a discussion meeting with the visiting delegation from the Sustainable Urban Economic Development program (SUED) led by Daniel Wilcox, on a possible investment grant to the tune of Shs 76 million geared towards the completion of the Moisoy Milling Plant in Soy Sub County. He further asked the farmers to join the cooperative union.

“The government has acquired modern minimum tilling chiselling equipment for the farmers to practice conservational agriculture, a method where there is a minimum soil disturbance for the preservation of water and nutrients in the soil,” CO Kesio said.