The living standards of the residents of Uasin Gishu county can be improved through ensuring affordable water and sanitation services, clean, safe and healthy environment for all, sustainable management and conservation of natural resources.
I will do the following;
i. Ensure all ECDE Schools and health centers have access to clean and safe water
ii. Ensure that 60% of the homesteads in Uasin Gishu will have access to piped water by the year 2024
iii. Establish a solid waste management recycling plant at dumping sites.
iv. Link the Uasin Gishu Rural Water and Sanitation company to ELDOWAS for distribution and management of water provision.
v. Encourage and roll out a Uasin Gishu tree planting exercise on yearly basis
vi. Build capacity to ensure residents and schools adopt the use of green/renewable energy sources for lighting and cooking so as to reduce the use of firewood
vii. Rehabilitate all water catchment sites and spring protection.
viii. Enhance beautification of the town and recreation parks