A healthy nation is a wealthy nation. Productivity in all economic aspects is not possible if the population is unhealthy. Many families fall through the cracks into poverty every year that a family member is sick because of high cost of health care in Kenya. To address the health sector challenges, I pledge to strengthen the health sector and assure all residents of Uasin Gishu county of timely, dignified, quality and affordable health care at all times. This will be achieved by focusing on the drivers of Universal Health Coverage namely; coverage, financial protection and access to quality services.
In order to achieve this, I will specifically do the following:
a) Address human resources for health through initiatives that motivate health care workers such as hiring and proper placement of specialists so that residents of Uasin Gishu county can be served with professional diligence
b) Build required infrastructure to upgrade and modernize health facilities by creating sub-county centres of excellence
c) Upgrade and modernize Uasin Gishu county hospital to a county referral hospital to include palliative care, cancer diagnosis, management and dialysis units
d) Ensure health products and technologies availability in all health facilities at all times by settling supplier bills in a timely manner.
e) Improve quality of care, efficiency and accountability by digitizing health facilities with end-to-end digital solution by working with the national government. In addition, work with research institutions to catalyze evidence informed decisions.
f) Provide NHIF cover to the elderly (70+) and PLWDs.
g) Ensure that emergency response unit and ambulance services are available and reliable.
h) Foster partnerships with institutions and development partners towards improving provision and access to health-care services.