The Eldoret municipality was chartered in gazette notice of 6 December 2019 as envisaged in the Urban areas and Cities Act, 2011. According to Kenya Vision 2030 the growth rate of urban centres stands at 4% and the urban population will be 30%of the total population by the year 2030. Urbanization is therefore inevitable, the main challenge being how to cope
with rapid urban growth and how to prepare for the future.
I will do as follows;
i. Transfer fully all the functions and finances highlighted in the Municipal charter gazette in 2019
ii. Facilitate the municipality to be an autonomous body that answers to the Office of the Governor and County assembly as envisaged in the Urban areas and Cities Act, 2011.
iii. Transfer all the staff and equipment’s that perform the functions highlighted in the Municipal Charter to the Eldoret municipality board.
iv. Support to the Municipal Board for them to discharge their function without interference.
i. Prepare a master plan for all urban areas that will guide development in the County using the County Spatial plan
ii. Enhance development of social amenities, land use and zoning plans
iii. Improve infrastructural development
iv. Collaborate with development partners to improve the living standards of people in informal settlements.