
Stakeholders give nod for elevation of Burnt Forest to a Municipality

The stakeholders from Infrastructure, ICT, water and Sanitation and health sectors on Thurday okayed the upgrade of Burnt forest township to a Municipality.

The sectors presented their views to the Burnt Forest Ad Hoc Committee during the stakeholders engagement in Burnt forest, saying they welcome the municipality with open arms.

Esther Wangeshi, a nurse, and currently jobless, said she remain optimistic that when burnt forest will be upgraded to municipality, the Sub county hospital will also get upgraded providing opportunities of employment to the jobless residents

“We are very happy this initiative,” said Francis Gacicio, a retired health ofiicer.

He cite slum upgrading programme which include establishment of sewer lines, proper planning and social amenities including schools, health facilities project which he said will set to prevent further degeneration of urban centres into slums.

Malakwen Kangogo, the Chairman of water services in burnt, said lack of access to basic water and sanitation services will be a thing of past when municipality is in place.

“We will be responsible for providing clean water and Sanitation services to the communities,” he added.

On Friday, political leadership, professional, civil society groups, Religious leaders, residents association, youth, women, PWDs, and general public will give their views to the Ad Hoc Committee.